The cost of website development and maintenance: The Truth

Don’t pay more than necessary

The world of digital marketing has made owning a business website a necessity for success in the 21st century. As we move into 2023, the cost associated with the construction and maintenance of a website is expected to rise, though this cost will naturally differ around the world. To prepare for this, businesses must assess the true cost of website development and maintenance appropriately.

The cost of website development and maintenance largely depends on the specific goals of a business. The factors that determine the cost include the website’s specifications, features, and size. These can be further divided into yearly costs, such as hosting and domain fees, and one-time costs, such as purchasing a template or software. The overall price can range significantly depending on the size and complexity of the website. A basic e-commerce website may cost around $1,500 to develop, while a sophisticated website may cost up to $20,000.

The amount spent on website maintenance must also be taken into account. This includes monitoring and protecting the website from viruses or cyber-attacks and updating the software, plugins, themes, and content. Costs can be reduced if some of the maintenance tasks are completed in-house. Alternatively, an agency or freelancer can be hired to handle maintenance. Generally, businesses should allocate around 3-5% of total project costs for website maintenance.

The cost of website development and maintenance can vary from country to country. For example, in the United States and Canada, the average cost to create and maintain a website is $8,000 to $17,000 per year. In the United Kingdom, the cost is around £12,000 to £25,000. In developing nations, such as India and Ecuador, website costs start from around $2,000.

In Victoria BC, many businesses have had success in finding cost-effective solutions for website development and maintenance. Several established tech companies and digital marketing agencies, such as Victoria Marketing Now!, are located in Victoria BC and specialize in website development, hosting, and maintenance services. The demand for website development has grown in Victoria BC, allowing companies to compete on price and provide competitive and affordable website solutions.

As we move into 2023, businesses must be aware of the true costing of developing and maintaining a website. The cost can vary considerably depending on the size and complexity of the website and the country that the website is based in. By researching these costs, businesses can gain a clearer understanding of the budget required and find cost-effective solutions, such as those available in Victoria BC.

To conclude, website development and maintenance costs are expected to rise globally in 2023. Businesses should assess the true cost of website development and maintenance to be fully prepared. Companies should take the opportunity to consider cost-effective solutions available in the market, such as those provided by tech companies and digital marketing agencies in Victoria, BC.


Cost of Website Development & Maintenance. (2020). BuildThis.

Goricki, D. (Updated 2021). How Much Does It Cost to Build a Website? 99designs.

MediaNova. (2021). Web Design & Development Victoria BC. Medianova. Better title
Calculating the Cost of Website Development and Maintenance in 2023

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